Make the City of Hagerstown your new home! You’ll find opportunities to enjoy culture, the arts, and entertainment common in larger cities while living among a close-knit and inclusive community. There’s also access to rural amenities like national, state, and local parks that offer options for hiking, biking, boating and more! Grow your career; raise your family; make Hagerstown your home!
Locating your business to downtown Hagerstown is advantageous to your clients, employees, and your bottom line! Clients and employees can enjoy ample parking at low rates, numerous dining possibilities, several arts and entertainment venues, and after-work and weekend events. Your bottom line will appreciate the affordable lease options, available city, county and state business incentives, and the powerful and efficient 1gigabit internet fiber available.
Want to know more?
Contact Hagerstown’s Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to find out more by calling 301-739-8577 x 111, emailing dced@hagerstownmd.org.
Hagerstown’s Department of Community and Economic Development
The City of Hagerstown’s Department of Community & Economic Development serves as a resource to help start, nurture and grow business within the city limits. The Department of Community & Economic Development is committed to partnering with developers, investors and business owners to navigate the planning and development process. The City offers several incentive options to support economic growth in the community, and staff will provide guidance to determine the best opportunities for your business and development needs. Recognizing time is money, the City fast-tracks projects for approval, provides exceptional service and demonstrates flexibility in a changing environment.
Washington County Department of Business Development
The Washington County Department of Business Development (DBD) is a county agency providing assistance to new and expanding businesses throughout Washington County, Maryland. The DBD interacts with a vast network of public, private and nonprofit organizations to address the business needs of the community, as well as attract new companies to the county. If you are considering a business, starting a business, or you are an existing business, you’ve come to the right place!
Hagerstown-Washington County Chamber
The Chamber is a small business whose products and services help other businesses be more successful. The goal is to help your business increase sales and reduces costs and we have many ways to do just that. First, people want to do business with people they know, and we can introduce you to lots of people, customers and suppliers. Second, we let you know what is going on in the community affecting your business, good and bad. And third, we advocate on your behalf with local and state government, working to expand your market and reduce the burden of government regulations.
BüroBox Entrepreneur Resource Center
BüroBox—(Noun) [Bü·ro] [bäks]
Büro: German for office
Box: a receptacle or container made of wood, cardboard, etc., usually rectangular and having a removable or hinged lid
The BüroBox at 60 W. Washington Street, in the heart of downtown, serves as a membership-based, collaborative workspace and resource center for entrepreneurs seeking to start or grow their businesses. Located in the Arts & Entertainment district, in close proximity to creative service companies, restaurants, and the education center, this is where innovation and creativity collide. The BüroBox is creatively furnished and outfitted with state of the art equipment to help foster progressive and creative ideas.
The Greater Hagerstown Committee (GHC), a 501c(3) corporate body, was established in 1987 to bring stakeholders and community leaders together to discuss broad issues of importance in the region. Its membership is composed of CEOs and top officials from corporations and organizations around the community, and its operations are funded solely by member dues. Over the years, GHC has served as a community catalyst — recruiting people, gathering information, identifying resources, and crafting conversation necessary to advance initiatives making our region a better place to live, work and play. GHC strives to cooperate with and assist governmental bodies and community organizations to achieve existing goals and objectives, or to identify new ones. It provides a vehicle for its members and invited stakeholders to take a broad view of our region, become educated on regionally significant issues, and craft visions for improving the quality of life in our community. GHC works with local economic development partners to connect prospective leadership teams to established corporate leaders in our area. The committee uses its influences and resources of its members to create and solicit support for job retention and attraction, workforce development, and educational initiatives to better the community.
Maryland Small Business Development Center
The Maryland Small Business Development Center (MD SBDC) provides confidential business start and growth consulting services at no cost. MD SBDC assists both existing and startups with financial analysis and projections, business planning, pricing and marketing strategies.
Volunteer members of SCORE Hagerstown are a group of experienced business persons who want to be your small business counselors for the life of your business. Open to any entrepreneurial spirit with a desire to provide quality services or products, anticipates providing jobs and growth in the community, willingness to learn and serve others…or with a business idea. Counselors are available to provide face-to-face business counseling at no cost at your work site or one of their two conveniently located offices.
The Western Maryland Consortium assists businesses in acquiring new workers through screening, placement and other workforce development services. Financial assistance for companies is also available to help offset the cost of training new employees if training on the job is necessary. Pre-employment training, educational services and occupational skill training for jobseekers prior to hire can also be arranged where this type of training is required to meet an employer’s need for qualified new workers. Training programs can be customized and tailored to specific employer requirements as well. These services are provided at no cost to businesses.

Click on the form below to complete the information and return via email to dced@hagerstownmd.org no later than Friday, March 8th.
Make the City of Hagerstown your new home! You’ll find opportunities to enjoy culture, the arts, and entertainment common in larger cities while living among a close-knit and inclusive community. There’s also access to rural amenities like national, state, and local parks that offer options for hiking, biking, boating and more! Grow your career; raise your family; make Hagerstown your home!
Locating your business to downtown Hagerstown is advantageous to your clients, employees, and your bottom line! Clients and employees can enjoy ample parking at low rates, numerous dining possibilities, several arts and entertainment venues, and after-work and weekend events. Your bottom line will appreciate the affordable lease options, available city, county and state business incentives, and the powerful and efficient 1gigabit internet fiber available.
Want to know more?
Contact Hagerstown’s Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to find out more.
Telephone:301-739-8577 x 111
Email: dced@hagerstownmd.org.
Hagerstown’s Department of Community and Economic Development
The City of Hagerstown’s Department of Community & Economic Development serves as a resource to help start, nurture and grow business within the city limits. The Department of Community & Economic Development is committed to partnering with developers, investors and business owners to navigate the planning and development process. The City offers several incentive options to support economic growth in the community, and staff will provide guidance to determine the best opportunities for your business and development needs. Recognizing time is money, the City fast-tracks projects for approval, provides exceptional service and demonstrates flexibility in a changing environment.
Washington County Department of Business Development
The Washington County Department of Business Development (DBD) is a county agency providing assistance to new and expanding businesses throughout Washington County, Maryland. The DBD interacts with a vast network of public, private and nonprofit organizations to address the business needs of the community, as well as attract new companies to the county. If you are considering a business, starting a business, or you are an existing business, you’ve come to the right place!
Hagerstown-Washington County Chamber
The Chamber is a small business whose products and services help other businesses be more successful. The goal is to help your business increase sales and reduces costs and we have many ways to do just that. First, people want to do business with people they know, and we can introduce you to lots of people, customers and suppliers. Second, we let you know what is going on in the community affecting your business, good and bad. And third, we advocate on your behalf with local and state government, working to expand your market and reduce the burden of government regulations.
BüroBox Entrepreneur Resource Center
BüroBox—(Noun) [Bü·ro] [bäks]
Büro: German for office
Box: a receptacle or container made of wood, cardboard, etc., usually rectangular and having a removable or hinged lid
The BüroBox at 60 W. Washington Street, in the heart of downtown, serves as a membership-based, collaborative workspace and resource center for entrepreneurs seeking to start or grow their businesses. Located in the Arts & Entertainment district, in close proximity to creative service companies, restaurants, and the education center, this is where innovation and creativity collide. The BüroBox is creatively furnished and outfitted with state of the art equipment to help foster progressive and creative ideas.
The Greater Hagerstown Committee (GHC), a 501c(3) corporate body, was established in 1987 to bring stakeholders and community leaders together to discuss broad issues of importance in the region. Its membership is composed of CEOs and top officials from corporations and organizations around the community, and its operations are funded solely by member dues. Over the years, GHC has served as a community catalyst — recruiting people, gathering information, identifying resources, and crafting conversation necessary to advance initiatives making our region a better place to live, work and play. GHC strives to cooperate with and assist governmental bodies and community organizations to achieve existing goals and objectives, or to identify new ones. It provides a vehicle for its members and invited stakeholders to take a broad view of our region, become educated on regionally significant issues, and craft visions for improving the quality of life in our community. GHC works with local economic development partners to connect prospective leadership teams to established corporate leaders in our area. The committee uses its influences and resources of its members to create and solicit support for job retention and attraction, workforce development, and educational initiatives to better the community.
Maryland Small Business Development Center
The Maryland Small Business Development Center (MD SBDC) provides confidential business start and growth consulting services at no cost. MD SBDC assists both existing and startups with financial analysis and projections, business planning, pricing and marketing strategies.
Volunteer members of SCORE Hagerstown are a group of experienced business persons who want to be your small business counselors for the life of your business. Open to any entrepreneurial spirit with a desire to provide quality services or products, anticipates providing jobs and growth in the community, willingness to learn and serve others…or with a business idea. Counselors are available to provide face-to-face business counseling at no cost at your work site or one of their two conveniently located offices.
The Western Maryland Consortium assists businesses in acquiring new workers through screening, placement and other workforce development services. Financial assistance for companies is also available to help offset the cost of training new employees if training on the job is necessary. Pre-employment training, educational services and occupational skill training for jobseekers prior to hire can also be arranged where this type of training is required to meet an employer’s need for qualified new workers. Training programs can be customized and tailored to specific employer requirements as well. These services are provided at no cost to businesses.