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Pianos at Engine Room! Come To Our Grand Opening, November 5th!

Sometimes people are kind enough to donate pianos to the City of Hagerstown which are then brought to us artsy people at Engine Room. We love when this happens! It is so much fun to bring new life to these old pianos with paint, and then life to downtown, where are they set on the street for anyone to play. Music coming from public square always brightens up our downtown and Engine Room loves it when we can have a little hand in that!

For our current piano, Emily picked the color scheme "I wanted colors that looked nice with the rich brown stain of the wood. Something that reflected the preexisting beauty of the piano's inner workings , and muted colors that seemed to coordinate with the piano's visible years of use." she says.

Co-op member, Geneva Smith, started the project with some lovely light blue and her playful invitation "Play Me"! Below is Abedi, one of our

volunteers, happily painting! Below that, Charlotte, a resident artist, has started on some vines!

Come see the finished product at our Grand Opening on November 5th!

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